Crop question !

Hello, i'd like to make a custom crop for images on zenphoto combinews with 250px height and 790px width, I've try several configuration on the crop options but my rendered pictures are not centered or are stretch.. any advices concerning the crop option would be welcomed :)

Thank you !


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, you just found a bug...
  • My pleasure and thx for your reply !
    Fix in coming nightly build or any advice for fixing it ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I might have been a little too fast with that statement. Please tell exactly what values you used for what option.
  • Okay, in options/plugin/zenpage - Last Album/thumbnail with crop. I'd like to define a width of 790px and a height of 250px (no problem for that), I'd like the images to be cropped but whatever the configuration i've tried, the result is a cropped image but badly centered or stretched. What i want is an image with good aspect ratio and centered like the default thumbnails.

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