Using printPageListWithNav on comments

Hi there...

...first off all i'm sorry about my's not the best.

I'm using comments instead of a guestbook. Is it possible to use the printPageListWithNav() function or something simular on the comments of the page where i placed the "guestbook"?

I test a few versions but i don't get it till now...

cheers, olaf...


  • I guess we will need a better understanding. Where are you using the comments? If it is on a "normal" Zenphoto script page like albums, news, then pagination is available as usual.

    But there is no pagination for the comments themselves. Only the global pagination.
  • I think thats the problem. I want to use it on one zenpage page (pages.php) or maybe on the script of the comment_form plugin directly...

    I show you my example:

    I guess I have to create a page navigation for that on my own?

    Thank you for your support...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, there is simply nothing implemented for paginating comments currently.
  • Ok. I will try to solve it in another way ;)

    Thanks for your fast support...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It would surely be possible but would require changes to the comment plugin. Also you need to take care about the fact that albums can have several pages which could cause issues with paginated comments as well. Of course if you use your solution just on a Zenpage page that are not paginated it would be easier I guess.
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