colorbox and slideshow

vincent3569 Member, Translator

I have a small question.
what is the height and width of the pictures if I use Colorbox for the slideshow ?

we can choose height and width with Cycle and Flowplayer but we can't with Colorbox ...


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Depends of course on the theme and how the Colorbox JS is defined. Since the colorbox uses the full image generally on the Zenpage theme it is setup to fit into the viewport (browser window size) automatically.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    I am talking about the Slideshow plugin with colorbox option and not about the Colorbox plugin.

    In Slideshow admin, we can choose height and width with Cycle and Flowplayer but we can't with Colorbox...

    moreover, there is a translation issue :
    - english text : Height of the images in the slideshow. [jQuery Cycle mode option]. If empty the theme options image size is used.
    - french tex : Hauteur des images dans le diaporama. [option liée à jQuery]. Si cette valeur est vide, la taille des images spécifiée dans les options du thème est utilisée

    => the french translation doesn't mention jquery Cycle but only jqurey.

    so I don't understand what are the values used with colorbox slideshow : full image, theme options image size,...
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    Sorry, I found my mistake :
    I don't have seen the "Colorbox image type" option !
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