I have all my zendphoto files located in the following directory:
I keep most libraries of large code in /files/. I created a mod_rewrite as such:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/photo_gallery/(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.+) "/files/zenphoto/%1"
and then in /files/zenphoto/index.php
I changed
Line 15: define('OFFSET_PATH', 0);
define('OFFSET_PATH', 5);
$const_webpath = '/photo_gallery';
Is this the best way access zendphoto things as /photo_gallery/?
it seems to work so far, but I want to make sure I am not breaking anything on the backend
define('WEBPATH', '/photo_gallery');
at the top of functions-basic.php until someone recommends a better way.
Btw, you should never hack any core files (except custom themes or plugins).