Cannot find particulat theme

In Showcase on this web i saw two sites based on zenphoto which i like a lot, but Im unable to finnd what theme they use.
Im talking about these two sites:

In source code of these sites i found these lines:
`zenphoto version 1.2.3 [3427] (Official Build) THEME: genicia (index.php) { memory: 250M } PLUGINS: image_album_statistics.php print_album_menu.php none`

`zenphoto version 1.3.1 [5736] (Official Build) THEME: jva (album.php) { memory: 128M } PLUGINS: PHPMailer class-video comment_form flowplayer3 [...cut...]`

...but i cant zenphoto theme of name genicia or jva.

Does anyone know which theme is used? Or are these themes specific for these sites and there is no public theme so I could use it and change it for my needs?

I dont want to copy these sites, I just like their gallery apperance and want to use it in my own project.

Thanks for advise,


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It's quite simple. Sites on the showcase are always custom sites. That means their themes are generally not availble for download (in rare cases people made their theme available later). Actually using a general available theme official or third party disqualifies for the showcase. All known themes are naturally on our themes section.

    Btw, copying themes (theme design) would be a vioalation or copyright as you surely know. I suggest you make your own theme. See the user guide to learn how.
  • Hello acrylian,
    thanks for an explanation.
    Just to be clear: I really dont want to steal/copy someone's work. What I want is a zenphoto-based gallery with some features that mentioned sites have (slideshow, way how to go to next/previous photography, main page to be part of a zenphoto engine and so on).

    Im a newbie in zenphoto and I'm looking for way how to do things fastest and without too much effort :). Well... I'll check the user guide and try some customisations ;).

    Thanks again.

    Best regards,
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