Have recently moved Zenphoto to a new server. Upon accessing it for the first time on the new server, I get:
"setup scripts missing"
And nothing more than this.
Attempted to search the forum for help but have been unable to locate any relevant threads. If someone could help me out with this I'd appreciate it.
[02-Mar-2011 17:52:25] PHP Warning: Module 'mysqli' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[02-Mar-2011 18:05:00] PHP Warning: Module 'mysqli' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[02-Mar-2011 18:33:38] PHP Warning: Module 'mysqli' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Unsure if connected to this.
I have reuploaded the setup files and directory.
I reran setup and it offered some upgrade options (even though I only reuploaded the setup dir/files). I ran the upgrade and it stuck on updating tables for about a minute and completed successfully.
I attempted to access the gallery again and now I can use it just fine again.
Not sure if the cause or if I should have done that but it appears to have corrected the issue.
I did the complete update procedure described on the zenphoto page and my page showed up perfectly.
Today, two days later, I checked again and it only says "setup scripts missing again". I do know that pages don't change by itself, but I don't know what happend.
I will setup my page again today and leave it as it is. As soon as it is online again I will add another post to this threat. And then I will see what will happen.
If any of you zenphoto developer would like to have a closer look, I will be more than happy to provide you with a ftp and/or account for administrating the gallery.
Please ask your host how to set this up or if it is available for your webspace at all (not all shared hosts do support that).
for each of the access modes.
...server admin is different
root@locahost vs webmaster@localhost
So I install Zenphoto as for the first time in my hoster.
Then I uploaded my theme and I started to set all the little thing in zenphoto.
Now I have this message "setup scripts missing". But the strange thing is that this message comes time to time and sometimes after a while the site runs again.
Any idea or things to check on my hoster ?
When ever you upgrade an install setup needs to run again but if you followed our install/upgrade instructions you would upload all anyway.
After such an upgrade setup will indeed try to run automatically if you access the site being logged in.
I have to say that on the process I landed on the page to setup my admin login and the page was almost blanck. I refresh my browser and then it was possible to setup my login and password in the zenphoto backoffice.
Because I did the reinstall as an upgrade (I deleted all files) and all the process went OK,but still this error message.
I have to say that this message even occurs if I'm not logged in.
I'm gonna try to do the install again from the very scratch (which means delete even the tables).
A question : could you tell me more about : ?
Where can I find this ?
And what about these date/time check files ?
I redo everything from scratch and same problem.
The return from your php function is : "www26@celeonet.fr/home/www/XXX/www"
My hoster is Celeonet and my XXX is my login (to my MySQL database and admin hoster panel).
In my root directory I have a "www" directory where I upload my site.
My zenphoto galerie is then in a sub-directorie called "galeries".
I've noticed again than I cannot setup my login and password directely because I have this at the en of the process :
then this after I've clicked on the delete setup files button :
the I refresh and I get this :
Anf finally I can see the admin panel who says that I can connect to admin (I enter no password nor login ID) and I've got this :
I don't know if it helps but I'v got this at the end of the process install :
I don't know if these unusal behavior at the end of the install process (whith no error message I must say) could help to understand why then I have time to time these"setup scripts missing" error message.
I redo everything from scratch and same problem.
The return from your php function is : "www26@celeonet.fr/home/www/XXX/www"
My hoster is Celeonet and my XXX is my login (to my MySQL database and admin hoster panel).
In my root directory I have a "www" directory where I upload my site.
My zenphoto galerie is then in a sub-directorie called "galeries".
I've noticed again than I cannot setup my login and password directely because I have this at the en of the process :
then this after I've clicked on the delete setup files button :
the I refresh and I get this :
Anf finally I can see the admin panel who says that I can connect to admin (I enter no password nor login ID) and I've got this :
I don't know if it helps but I'v got this at the end of the process install :
I don't know if these unusal behavior at the end of the install process (whith no error message I must say) could help to understand why then I have time to time these"setup scripts missing" error message.
Given your description of the installation, the site should be addressed by something like yourdomain.com/galleries. As to why this would be--that is a question for you to ask the Celeonet support team.
By the way : I run Zenphoto on my MAMP local server with no problem and another Zenphoto site on another hoster with no problem (and with my own personnal themes).
That's why I'm just wondering what's hapening and I have no clue !
My only adress for my site is http://www.atelierscales.net and the zenphoto index is at http://www.atelierscales.net/galeries
(there is no pictures at the moment and so you can have either a "normal" website page or the famous "setup scripts missing" message).
Any idea abiyt the "return" I've got about the function acryllian suggest to insert to me to see what's the retrun ?
Many thanks.
But more to the point. The erratic of the site would tend to point to a problem with the Database. You should ask your service provider for help here. They should be able to review their server logs to find out what is happening.
Actuallty I have for $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']
And for <?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];?>
I send an email to my hoster and I'm wainting for answers.
I've seen that my memory_limit on the php.ini is 16M.
Do you think this can explain some of my problems ? Or other php.ini parameters ?
I'm just crazy and I re-install form scratch many times with no improve.
In the setup_log file I've seen that the cookie test of the installation failed.
But no way, still the "erratic" running zenphoto.
The strange thing is that I have no problem on the same database with a Wordpress installation.
And no problem with Zenphoto on other hoster.
One more question : when the message error says "setup scripts missing" : which files are we talong about and what is the process that normaly brings to this message.
Probably an incompatibility with Zenphoto and one of the parameters of Celeonet (should something in the php.ini or somewhere else with the server functions could brings this message ?)
Or you deleted these files after installing as setup suggest after completion and also provides a link to.