Crop thumbnails (crop width & crop height)

Hi !
I've got an old version of ZenPhoto running somewhere… It appears that in the “theme” tab in the option I'm able to set crop width and crop height for the crop thumbnails.
I find this option very useful !
I'm afraid I can't find such options in the latest ZenPhoto updates, am I missing something ?

I'll continue searching (:


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Still there: Options > Theme > Crop thumbnails.
  • Oh, yes!
    But it's in %, I don't find it very intuitive.

    Maybe should I use the function getCustomAlbumThumb(), and set width and height in pixel.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, it actually always was % (according to my collegue sbilard) but not documentated properly. If you want more control using the custom image thumb functions is indeed the way to go.
  • Maybe my old setup is VERY old, it's 1.2.9 ^^
    I have the option “Crop thumbnails:” which allow me to set “Crop width” and “Crop height” with the explanation “If checked the thumbnail cropped to the width and height indicated.”
    It was very convenient !
    For example I had set 300w x 200h (3:2 ratio) on my own website and on a friend's one 218w x 75h (1:3 ratio). It was very convenient 'cause within the page where I can set “Custom thumbnail cropping” my ratio is used !
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, but that always was a % value that was not documentated. At least according to our chief developer as I though as well it was once px values. Anyway, feel free to open a ticket about this as he is away for some days currently.
  • Actually, the only time that the old width/heigth settings made any sense was if your thumb size was exacly 100. Because what really happens was that these values were used as proportions to the thumb size. Now if you think this is more intuitive than what we have now.....

    You can, of course, still get your 3/4 ratio using the percentages presuming all your images are the same size. (If they were not the same size you could not have done this at all previously)
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