Pictures quality

First, sorry my so bad english...

I've got big troubles with Zpardoise.
Since a few days only, when I upload some pictures, they are compressed and very bad view. They look satured. Not original view.

I try with differents quality, big file or small one. 300dpi or 72 dpi also.

Anyone has an idea to the right way to upload? I also try with differents browser (firefox, googlechrome).

Many thanks for your help.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    First, dpi values do not matter on the web, the pixel dimensions are. A 100x100px image is the same size.

    Anyway, this is not really a Zenphoto problem but nevertheless there is a troubleshooting entry:

    Additionally there are options for the jpg quality (if you use jpgs of course).
  • Many thanks for your so quick answer. The trouble is the same, I send you an example from my website:

    It's not, I think, a question of colorimetric.

    Best regards
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The link is not working. Also from looking at other images on that I don't see anything wrong and of course I can't view the full images.

    Make sure you use the right color space and not too much compression. When Zenphoto generates images it will also compress depending on your options set.
  • This one is wrong:

    I'm sorry to do so many post but it's hard for me to explain in english

    What's really strange that when I begin to upload a few weeks ago, everything was right and since a few days only, it happend what I show in my links. All others pictures are right because they was the first I upload.

    Thanks again
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, that looks indeed wrong. Either your camera provides corrupt images or the images are somehow corrupted on upload (try a re-upload). Tha can happen if using FTP occasionally. Or the server got a configuration problem with the GD Libary. You should ask your host.

    Btw, 1.2.9 is a quite old version already.
  • Yes, it's really strange! I just try many ways to upload, classic, ftp, big file, light file, PNG, JPG, JPEG.
    Sorry for this silly question but who is my "Host"? And I know the version I use is an old one but with zenphoto 1.4, there were many mistakes. Do you think it will be better?

    Have a nice sunday:-)
  • Yes, it's really strange! I just try many ways to upload, classic, ftp, big file, light file, PNG, JPG, JPEG.
    Sorry for this silly question but who is my "Host"? And I know the version I use is an old one but with zenphoto 1.4, there were many mistakes. Do you think it will be better?

    Have a nice sunday:-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, it's really strange! I just try many ways to upload, classic, ftp, big file, light file, PNG, JPG, JPEG.
    It does not matter how you upload the files.. Please re-read and understand the color problem. Also do a web search on that topic. It is on of the most discussed topics with digital images
    Sorry for this silly question but who is my "Host"?
    The company where you have your webspace...
    And I know the version I use is an old one but with zenphoto 1.4, there were many mistakes. Do you think it will be better?
    Seriously, why do you think do we release new versions??? What mistakes? Maybe be a little more specific...
  • Thanks for your so complet answer! I'm new in this wonderful world of web design and I try to understand it.
    I begin to understand the differents ways to upload and the options!

    Have a good day:-)
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