printalbummenu no longer working

I've used the printalbummemnu() fuction (taken from the Garland theme) in my theme for a long while.

Did a bit full point upgrade yesterday and now the function doesn't appear to work.

The code is:

` <?php<br />


And I'm getting the error:

`Fatal error: Call to undefined function printalbummenu() in /home/mygreata/public_html/wallpapers/themes/mgw/index.php on line 115`

(not particularly helpful)

As I say, worked before the upgrade, and is a slice of code from the Garland theme, any ideas what is wrong?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The function is and has always been part of the plugin of the same name which you apparently have not enabled. So this error is very helpful actually...
  • Ahh thanks Acrylian.

    Did not realise that plugins were disabled after an upgrade.

    Glad I asked, realise that caching is also not enabled.

    I suppose too used to software updates not effectively resetting everything.
  • Ahh thanks Acrylian.

    Did not realise that plugins were disabled after an upgrade.

    Glad I asked, realise that caching is also not enabled.

    I suppose too used to software updates not effectively resetting everything.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Normally it does not but if you upgraded from a much older version it can happen.
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