HELP !! Google Analytics/StatCounter - Any Solutions?

Has anyone been successful in adding the Google Analytics and StatCounter code to ZenPhoto in the latest version?

If so how? I've been looking at this a while.. I also used Statcount and place the code in the footer, it counts page clicks but it doesn't count individual images that are clicked on a page.. probably because the page doesn't refresh... so need help there also.

Also make sure the solutions count all CLICKS, including the photo images that appear on the screen.. versus just the pages views.. clicks .. so if a person cliks on an image or clicks on a next page I want to collect those clicks..

So any solutions would be greatly appreciated.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can add Google Analytics or any other script by modifying the theme used. Also Zenphoto features its own hitcounter for pages already. If you want special clicks counted besides that you have to modify your theme as well and write some extra functionality for that as either a theme custom function or as a plugin.

    See the user guide for info on theming and plugins.
  • Also, I have an analytics plugin working just fine on the version of Zenphoto, I can zip it up if you'd like, though I won't provide much in the way of support for it. It should work though.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you have something like that, even if unsupported, it would be great if you could make a page for it so we can link to it on our extensions section (we prefer no direct download links as it looks then as if it is downloaded from our site.). Just a simple or even static would be great.
  • No problem, I just took a look through the code to dust it off and make sure I didn't leave any ugly hack'n'slash code in it. I'll throw up a page and link it here in a few.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, that surely helps some users as this question pops up regulary (although not really hard to add manually). I will add it today.

    I just see that we already have an older google analytics plugin:

    Is yours based on that or something new? Does not hurt to have two if there are differences.
  • It was that one old plugin. I merely fixed a bit of the code and made it ready for the current release. It actually had ceased functioning properly somewhere during the 1.3 series and I had to update it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, okay, good. That saves me from adding a duplicate. Btw, you can mention on your page that our forum can be used for support (if needed and you like)
  • Roger that, didn't point it to any thread though, just to the forums in general.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just generally the forum is absolutly okay.
  • domc Member
    I've been using
    Very easy to implement.
  • mark12 Member
    I use 1lytics It can display a list of visits, the details of each visitor and much more.
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