Uploadify causing errors

hi all,

Im having problems with Uploadify. Every time, with every (latest version) browser, about 10-20% of the images give an http-error, and sometimes an IO error. When clicking away those files, falsh-plugin crashes. Has anyone an idea for solving this?

I know uploadify is third party software, but easy uploading of series of photo's (without the need to learn my clients to work with ftp) must be a basic feature of an image-CMS?

Any help is welcome... Thanks, Herr


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Which Zenphoto version? Please post the exact errors. Any errors in the server log?

    Needless to say, I encounter no issues with that neither on our server, my webspace nor locally.

    You can always use the browser upload without flash. A little less convenient but equally easy to learn.
  • Herr Member
    Hi there,


    No errors in the server log, this in zenphoto-log:


    {Sun, 13 Mar 2011 13:26:16 GMT}
    Uploadify error: => (
    Filedata => ( name => IMG_0263.JPG, type => , tmp_name => , error => 3,
    size => 0 ),
    {Sun, 13 Mar 2011 14:03:11 GMT}
    Backtrace: class-album 侦测到不合格的资料夹的名称: rttrr.
    Album->Album called
    from uploader.php [42]
    {Sun, 13 Mar 2011 14:16:01 GMT}
    Backtrace: class-album 侦测到不合格的资料夹的名称: upload01.
    Album->Album called
    from uploader.php [42]

    No idea where those Chinese signs come from..
  • Somehow your HTTP prefered language is comming up Chinese. Please set your site to English rather than HTTP prefered so that we can see what the message says.

    But it is one of two things. Either the album folder name is wrong or it somehow does not translate between the filesystem characterset and UTF-8. (The message will tell us which.)

    The uploadify error is a report from the uploadify Flash script. Right off hand I do not know what error 3 means, though.
  • Herr Member
    the chinese are taking over ;-)

    {Mon, 14 Mar 2011 08:56:39 GMT} Zenphoto v1.4.0.3[6817]
    Backtrace: class-album detected an invalid folder name: upload03.
    Album->Album called
    from uploader.php [42]
    {Mon, 14 Mar 2011 08:59:23 GMT}
    Backtrace: class-album detected an invalid folder name: album04.
    Album->Album called
    from uploader.php [42]
    yes indeed the folder name seems to be wrong. I used the "make a new album" option.
    Uploading to an existing album also fails, but gives no message in the error-logs.
  • What should the folder names have been?
  • Herr Member
    like it says, upload03 & album04
  • Ok. Then the most likely cause would be Zenphoto being unable to create the folder. Perhaps a folder permissions issue or a "security" configuration issue on the server.
  • Herr Member
    Well, zenphoto does create the folder, and uploads most of the images into that folder. But à part of the images are not uploaded and give http errors. ( and crash the flash-plugin)
    Are there other error-logs to check?
  • I have been able to reproduce the New Album() error. There will be a correction in tonight's build.

    As to the uploadify failing, no idea. Perhaps the uploadify site might have some clues.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe we need to update it. Seems we use 2.1.0 (at least the js file) and the current is 2.1.4.
  • Herr Member
    @sbillard: I replaced admin-upload.php & uploader.php, and got these errors:
    Notice: class-album detected an invalid folder name: upload222. in /usr/home/deb26637/domains/beeldsites.nl/public_html/1403test/zp-core/class-album.php on line 70

    Notice: class-album detected an invalid folder name: upload222. in /usr/home/deb26637/domains/beeldsites.nl/public_html/1403test/zp-core/class-album.php on line 70
    Zenphoto encountered an error
    Error: The album named cannot be found.
    Zenphoto encountered an error
    MySQL Query ( SELECT * FROM `zp_images` WHERE `albumid`= ) failed. MySQL returned the error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
  • You need also to provide the debug log entry for this error.

    BTW, we NEVER suggest replacing individual files. Maybe those are all the changes, don't know, but there is never any testing done with individual file replacements, only with complete packages.

    Also describe exactly the steps you take to create this error.
  • Herr Member
    sorry i didnt know that, i will wait for the next release.
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