Database data not stable | album and image count flunctating

Hi Everyone..

i have custom zenphoto theme setup in

when ever i logged into the admin panel , some times i am seeing 32k images or 28k images .. but actual content is 22k.

i have used few queries to extract the latest images and displayed in wordpress.. but in that also some times showings wrong data due to database flunctation...

when i did refresh database or refresh meta data count comes to normal.

does any one facing this issue? what i can do make it stable...

it was okay before.. but when image count increase. trouble starts..

waiting for guidance from you.. thanks in advance..


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you upload images and albums via FTP they are not counted until "discovered" until someone visited them via the backend or theme side. Please review the troubleshooting on image discovery.
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