Tag Autocomplete? Possible Bug?

On my site, when I start typing tags, the autocomplete works but then when I make a selection or hit enter I get lots of commas.

For example, I start to type "lands" and the auto complete shows "landscape". Now when I make a selection, the input box shows.


Any ideas?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What browser is used? Have a link maybe? Never noticed that, just to note.
  • Maybe I have an idea, but since I do not know what version of Zenphoto you are using, who knows.
  • The version is and I tested the following and saw the same issue. (sorry the site is on an intranet so no public url..)

    Mac OSX: Chrome, Safari, Firefox
    Windows 7: Chrome, Internet Explorer
    CentOS 5.4: Firefox

    More detail: when I hit enter to do the autocomplete, the string that I typed, [partial tag], isn't replaced but appended to plus several commas before the autocompleted tag, [autocompleted tag]

    Like this:
    [partial tag],,,,,[autocompleted tag]
  • A bit more info... I started to look at the html,

    <input type="text" name="words" value id="search_input">

    Maybe this is the location in the tag_suggest plug in that is having an effect? I'll try to tweak that line and see what happens...
  • Install
  • That fixed it! Thought I had the latest version, you guys release fast ^_^
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