A Few CSS / Layout Problems - StopDesign


Here's the site info:


I have tried adjusting the width of the main box which has worked, but now there seems to be something in the way of the first row so there can't be four across like the second row. How do I get all rows to be four columns across?

Also, related to this (I would guess) is the bottom section, where underneath the "Gallery Info" module, there is another module I want to display, but this appears under instead of next to like the others.
I can't seem to fix this :/

The last question is regarding the positioning of the thumbnails in the grey middle box. They're obviously centred off to the left, but how can I change the CSS to make them centered? I tried changing the CSS but the thumbs still show on the left.



  • This theme is quite complex with respect to its layouts. So, you are advised against making changes unless you are quite familiar with how CSS and HTML layouts work. (From your questions, I would suspect you are not so learned about these.)

    In addition, you may well need PHP knowledge as some of the sizes, etc. are augmented by PHP code to achieve the desired results.
  • Hmm.
    Thanks. I know a little CSS but not really enough. I'll look at getting some external help.

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