contact_form 1.4.0 for newbe


Im absolute novice on php , excuses for this easy questions for programmers but I need some help from you , excuses for my poor english too :( .

Actually I have activated contact form plugin

I just want that the album viewer can send and email if he wants.....

as you can see on this demo the upper size of the page says ( contact ) , spanish .. xD .

So I have edited php on edit options but I think Im doing somethis or all wrong , I paste a litle to show how I think it works :

-I should edit index.php and album php ---- thats right ??

here is the line :

<div id="footer">

Well link works but nothing happen , I also have edited plugin options and fully filled .

So what can I do to make it working properly ???

Thx for help , much appreciated.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The contact form is a plugin that provides a function (like most plugins do) you can/have to place on a theme page to get that form.

    I strongly recommend to read and understand the theming tutorial and look at standard themes how they do it. You should know the basics first.
  • Well its hard to understand but I think this is the way , let me know which step is wrong please.

    As you can see on link I have selected Simple+ Theme

    I have selected contact_form plugin , activated and selected options I need

    Then I go to edit simple+ theme

    I choose to edit index.php and album.php

    But here, just opens a new page on browser without anything.

    Any Information is much appreciated
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You apparently neither read and understand the theming tutorial nor did you look at the standard themes how they use the contact form.

    You NEVER include a plugin file that way anway. You add the THEME FUNCTION the plugin provides where you want to display/use it.

    If you don't understand this I recommend to stop working on a theme and really learn the basics of PHP first.
  • OK , I am photographer

    I understand that its hard or impossible to give ( free )support to someone like me , who does not have any basses about php , CSS ,etc...., sorry for that but

    I am interested if you ( acrylic ) developer or any can give payed support for example via PayPal , for that theme modification that I need to show my photo works .

    Thx for information
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Paid support is of course possible. You find my e-mail address on
  • looks like contact link doesn't work.

    can you email me to my email registration to forward you ?

    THx again
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course not there is no "contact link". If you typed "" in your browser address bar you would find an e-mail-address on that page (a little modified because of spam).

    I have sent a mail to you.
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