custom thumbnail with max height

I am not sure if I am missing something with printCustomAlbumThumbImage, but I am trying to get an album thumbnail image with a width of 228px and with a maximum height of 262px. Is this possible with the built in functions in zenPhoto, or do I need to write something custom? Thanks!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to modify your theme to use this function and set the required parameters. Review the theming tutorial and the functions tutorial.
  • Thanks for your response acrylian. I figured out that I need to use the printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace instead. For people who may look at this in the future I am using this code to achieve the desired result.
    <?php printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace(getAlbumTitle(),228, 262, null, null, true); ?>

    What exactly does the thumbStandin boolean value do? The description "treat as thumbnail" doesn't mean much to me.

  • That determines the kind of watermark that might be applied. The thumbnail one or the image one.
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