Dynamic albums dont't work as earlier

with this newest version I met problems with dynamic albums. Maybe it is necessary to explain that for my photos I have a main folder for all of my pictures, under this folder Albumid (albums), inside this Albumid mainly dynamic albums created from the pictures in my main folder. Beside Albumid is the most recent .alb in the main folder.
Earlier, when I created some .alb and the people looked at the pictures in this dynamic album navigating with prev - next, then all pictures displayed remained "under this album".
But now - let's say I open my main folder (Jaanus_Nurmoja) and under this a dynamic album Rakvere_Tarva_skulptuuri_ennistamine_ehk_karvatuti_taaskinnitamine.alb.
The first I see that I am in Nurmoja pildikogu | Jaanus Nurmoja | Rakvere Tarva ennistamise ehk karvatuti taaspaigaldamise päev . It's OK
When I click on one picture thumbnail I may also see the right albums name, but without main album:
Nurmoja pildikogu | Rakvere Tarva ennistamise ehk karvatuti taaspaigaldamise päev | IMG_7744 and the image url is index.php?album=Jaanus_Nurmoja&image=IMG_7744.JPG (contains the main album name, not the dynamic album name or id
And when I go to the next picture (click Next), one opens under the "original" album, not under the dynamic album. That means when I think that I navigate inside the dynamic album, I am really in the main folder and I can see pictures that have nothing to do with this dynamic album...
Please tell me what went wrong and how to get the dynamic albums work as intended?


And another thing:
when I try to change album options from backend, then the title and description disappears! I can add them only from frontend. When the album is a folder then in frontend I see the folder name as album name. When dynamic - nothing.


  • Perhaps I am not understanding what you are saying. I have visited the link you provide and everything seems to be functioning correctly.

    As to the problem with saving descriptions from the back-end. Most likely you are getting a PHP or SQL error. You will need to review error logs to see what that error is. Or perhaps your server is configued to allow too small a size for POST messages.
  • Yes, it seems to be OK now. Perhaps my virtual server had a "bad day". I didn't find any error messages.
  • Unfortunately... It's not OK.
    Look for example here:
    http://foto.nurmoja.net.ee/index.php?album=Jaanus_Nurmoja/albumid/GAG 1985. aasta lennu A klassi kokkutulek nr 2.alb
    open the first picture, then click "Next". Will it open the next picture or something else? Even if after the 1st picture everything is normal, then after the 5th or 6th picture you will find yourself outside this dynamic album
  • These intermittant things are pretty hard to figure out. But the most likely culpret is cookie and/or session handling. The other thought is can you find anything consistent about when it fails--perhaps someting in the file name or album the image resides in?
  • Only one thing - in slideshow mode the dynamic album works OK.

    What actually must be in the picture's detail view url? When the picture is in folder, then I always see the folder name. Example:

    But when I am in dynamic album and click on the thumbnail to see the detail view then I don't see the album name (.alb file name) in URL. There is only the folder name where the picture originally is, nothing refers to the current album. Is it normal? The prev/next link also refers to the picture's original folder.
  • the picture's URL will always be to the real album/image. Just the breadcrumb stuff should show the dynamic album.
  • Thanks,
    as I know now this issue is already in bugtracker:
  • Where are the cookies stored? Maybe I should look for some file/folder rights issues?
    P.S. Now the ninth click on "next" arrow opened picture in wrong context.
  • Updated to the latest nightly but the problem remains. Every time a 9th or 10th click on the prev or next link makes pictures loose the album context
  • Well, then you should also notice that that ticket is closed/fixed.

    I am presuming that this is a different issue. Specially since it seems sometimes to work and sometimes not.

    It is possible that the cookie is expiring by the nineth click. It might also be some aspect of the "nineth" image. (Or "tenth" when the 9th works.)

    It is really hard to guess what might be going on, specially since no one else is reporting the problem. If you can find a repeatable test case we may be able to diagnose the issue. But if it is not reliably repeatable I really do not know how to procede.
  • Hi,
    who knows what actually was going on...
    But what I did? I increased cookie time 60x in index.php line 97, now it's +3600 . And then I navigated successfully through whole album without interruption.
    I changed also one album options and the title and intro text didn't disappear as they did earlier :)
  • That parmeter is a bit of a balancing act. Too long and it causes some "normal" album selections to look like search results.

    I think some servers differ in how they handle the timeout. The original value was 1 minute, you have made it one hour. Probably something inbetween would be better. If you wish to experiment, let us know what value you end up with.

    What album option did you change to get the title to stick?
  • Oh, maybe I wasn't correct. I just changed the ordering of pictures in one of albums.
    But it seems like I spoke too early... The dynamic albums are unstable again :-(
    About cookies - is there some special folder where they are stored?
  • Actually, this time the problem occurred when I used Google Chrome. With IE8 + compatibilty view everything was OK
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The browser stores the cookies itself.
  • Google Chrme may be configured to reject cookeis. If so you can enable gallery sessions to overcome the problem. No cookeis are used then, so the downside is that logins last only for the session.
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