printjCarousel PLEASE HELP!

Using my own copy of the default theme, dark.css and have modified it a bit to the way I want it. Most recent version, Zenphoto version [6817] (Official Build)

Perhaps I'm just tired or just don't understand what the issue is. Looked at the documentation pages, they are are not real clear on what it is exactly needed to insert a Thumb Nav using jCarousel into a page. Also the link from the plugin page in the admin page goes to a dead link on the Zenphoto site.

If I understand the docs, put <?php printjCarousel(); ?> and the jCarousel will appear where I place it on my image.php page.

Yes, the plugin is activated. Yes it works just fine in the Zenpage theme.

Here is a snip of code from Zenpage...
if (function_exists('printjCarouselThumbNav')) {
So the code now it is " printjCarouselThumbNav " ???? What?

So I copied the code from the Zenpage album.php, inserted it in my custom theme album.php. Moved the images for jCarousel to my custom theme's image file. Also put the css file for jCarousel in there too.

It will not display the thumb nav. What am I missing? What is different between the default and Zenpage themes that prevents the jCarousel from showing? Does not say in the documentation it is theme specific.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    First, SHOUTING does not really motivate to help you. Remember your problem is not more important than that of anyone else.

    The functions documentation is easily to be found manually on our user guide:

    There is no "printJCarousel" function. So you used the right function. But the function needs to be placed on the image.php page (as you copied it from there and not album.php).
  • Didn't mean to shout.

    Did move code from image.php to image.php. The reference from album.php was my mistake. Actually, the issue was colorbox. The duplicated theme did not transfer as an exact copy in the sense of everything being active. Colorbox was not active so the javascript was failing on error and grinding to halt on the call to colorbox.
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