Here are some details of the installation:
Zenphoto version [6817] (Official Build)
Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
Current gallery theme: Greek Orchid Society, based on Default theme(just changed the CSS basically and added one line of php code in image.php).
PHP version: 5.2.15, MySQL version: 5.1.52, My browser: Firefox 3.6.16
Search options: Search field: Title, treat spaces as AND, return image matches only.
Search query URL:
Zenphoto output:
Total matches for Aerangis AND biloba AND ( Lindl. ) AND Schltr.: 5
Aerangis biloba (Lindl.) Schltr.
Amitostigma lepidum (Lindl.) Schltr.
Amitostigma lepidum (Lindl.) Schltr.
Amitostigma lepidum (Lindl.) Schltr.
Amitostigma lepidum (Lindl.) Schltr.
(There are four differebt photos with title "Amitostigma lepidum (Lindl.) Schltr." so that is OK)
But why does it show "Amitostigma lepidum (Lindl.) Schltr."? It should only show "Aerangis biloba (Lindl.) Schltr." since it treats spaces as AND, or am I missing something?
I get the same search results if I search for "Amitostigma lepidum (Lindl.) Schltr.", even though that should not happen either.
This issue exists even if I switch back to the default theme, so I don't think my custom theme is the issue.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your time and a for a magnificent piece of software!!!
Thank you!