Create dynamic album from selected pictures

Vol 1: Select pictures and then create album
1) I upload some pictures into one folder - let's say "main album"
2) I open this main album and I see thumbnails, but when I am logged in, I see also checkboxes at each thumbnail
3) I select the pictures that I would like to include into special dynamic album
4) Also there I see link "Album from selected / Add into album". When I click to it, the form ask me enter new dynamic album name and path or choose an existing where to add them.
5) the choosen pictures can be found in created albums and in "main album".
6) a picture can be included into multiple albums. Under the thumbnail is also shown in which albums it is already included.

Vol 2: Create dynamic album or open an existing one and then select pictures for it
1) in admin side, you create an album and tell that it's a dynamic one - or you open an existing one
2) click on link or button "Choose pictures"
3) new window opens where are the thumbnails with checkboxes and submit button
4) you choose the pictures and submit them
5) when you want to add more pictures, you don't see in the submit forms window the pics that are already added

Vol 3: add more pictures into dynamic album in frontend
1) you open the dynamic album
2) when you are logged in, you see the link "Add more pictures"
3) click on this link opens new window with thumbnails, checkboxes and submit button
4) you choose needed pictures and submit them

Today we can create dynamic albums only from search results. Such additional feature - album creation from selected pictures would be really user-friendly improvement of Zp :)


  • Zenphoto has no mechanism for grouping "items" other than the search capability. While the above might be convienent, there are other ways to accomplish this, notably by tagging the images with the "group" they belong to.

    There is already a ticket for "mass edit" of tagging. Also a difficult proposition since it would most likely involve creating a list of all the images on a site--probably a killer for large sites.

    At any rate, unless a feature ticket is created I am sure this request will get forgotten as it is not possible to do "over night".
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