Hi, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to link to an album's main page. Let me explain.
My structure is: "Gallery > Album X > Sub-album X"
When viewing an image in the sub-album, I can easily link to "Sub-album X" by using: "<?php echo getAlbumLinkURL();?>"
What I need is to be able to link to "Album X" while being able to control what the link says. I am aware that it's possible to link to "Album X" using "<?php printParentBreadcrumb(); ?>", but that prints the album's name as the link.
Been searching like a mad man, any help?
*Edit: Just noticed I posted in the wrong forum. Soz about that.
No easy way to magically do a "printAlbumLinkDammit", or something?
It is not really hard:
$parent = $_zp_current_album->getParent()
$parentlink = $parent->getAlbumLink();
Now build your link with that.
In case someone else is looking for this:
`getParent(); echo $parentlink = $parent->getAlbumLink();?>">Link text`
`Link text`