Using photos from my gallery elsewhere on my site

I'm slowly building a picture gallery for my corporate website, which is using standard php/html, not Wodrpress or Joomla.

Basically, once I take the time to upload images onto the gallery, I don't want to upload them again to use them elsewhere on my website if I can avoid it. I would rather like to call them somehow from other pages of the website.

I see part of the solution here: and in the printCustomSizedImage function documentation. Am I on the right track?


Michel Gagnon


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, that should work. But even easier would be to do the whole website with Zenphoto using the Zenpage CMS plugin (if possible with that type of website). Then you can easily add images from the gallery into pages and news articles.
  • Thanks. Your second solution may not be viable as the website has already be in existence for a few years and I don't want to destroy its structure. I will likely use Zenpage for new technical pages.

    Ah, the joys of retrofitting...
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