Added a Custom Page, What Link?


I had added a custom page but can't work out how to link to it.
In the footer I did have this:

`<?php echo getCustomPageURL('contact'); ?>`

But that no longer links the page anymore. What is the code I need to link to the custom page (in the themes directory)?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That function calls a custom page named `contact.php`. You have of course to change that to your page's name.
  • Thank you.

    I have figured out though that the code was right, but there is something in the footer that is stopping links from forming. The CSS is read but the text isn't clickable.

    Is this in the CSS or PHP?

    Thanks :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Seriously, how shall I be able to answer that?
  • Well, for instance in the StopDesign theme, at the bottom of the page there are links (RSS, Archive View, Powered By. . .) but on my edited template, the links (and indeed text) aren't clickable.
    The links are in the code but when the page is rendered then the links are no longer links.

    I would guess that the answer lies in the DIV tages I have at the bottom that is somehow stopping it render the links as links.

    It's strange though as the text itself shows the right color for a link, but isn't actually read as a link :S
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It will be the CSS I guess but you have to figure out that yourself.
  • Thanks.

    Just to report back it was in the PHP file. Moving the location of the DIV tag to somewhere else cured this mini second problem.
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