question about users right

vincent3569 Member, Translator

I have a question about users right :

I have 3 users: me (administrator), X and Y
I have 3 albums: A, B, C
I have 2 pages: D and E and I have 2 news: F and G
Album A is published and can be seen by everyone
Album B is not published: it is visible only if X or me are connected
Album C is not published: it is visible only if Y or me is connected or me
X and Y don't have to manage the albums (only see them in the gallery)
Page D and News F are published and are visible by everyone
Page E and News G are not published: they are not visible if X or Y are connected and are visible if I'm connected

can you tell me how to configure user_groups to do what I want?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have read?:

    News articles cannot be protected directly, only via a protected category.
  • I am not sure where usergropus come into play with the scenerio you have laid out. You say you have only three users and there are no overlaps with what each should be allowed, so no suggestion of a group.

    So, you should read the link acrylian provided. It certainly answers your question. But anyway, I will give you the details.

    You get ADMIN rights and can view and do anything.

    Album A is published as you say and is not protected by password. Anyone, including the public, can view it. Therefore users B and C can view it.

    Album B is not published as you say. It may also be password protected if you wish to prevent anyone who knows the link from accessing it without the password.

    Similar for album C and Page E.

    Pages D and News F need no special consideration since they are visible to the public.

    News G is not published as you describe. It must be placed into a category. The category must be protected if you wish to prevent anyone from accessing it by knowing the link.

    Users X and Y woud be given Album rights. (Not Page or News rights since you do not want them to see those protected items. Nor would they have any of the "Manage all" or "View" rights.)

    User X would be assigned a managed album--B. He would have no subrights assiged for that album. Anologus setting for user Y and album C.

    Now that is not so hard, is it. easily derived from the descriptions. Just takes a little planning.
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