export Database


I am having trouble transferring my site to a new host, particularly setting up the new database on the new server (ZP v1.3).

The advice for moving the installation is:
"4. Export the database using the database backup tool on the admin overview page of the old install."

I just don't see this option for export on my Backup/Restore page (accessible from OverView) – only backup and restore, no export option.

I have the backups, and I can restore to the original old site, but it is not clear what and how the export to a new server works.

Also, will the backups to the new site recognize a differently named database (because of a new prefix) or is this established when I rerun setup on the new server?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The backup restore tool on the admin overview is the referred to as it backups your Zenphoto database (only that of course). It creates the backup in the backup folder (sic!) of your installation.

    The database is imported as it was backuped (thus the name), so the prefix is kept. You will have to change that manually after importing the backup using phpmyadmin for example.

    Edit: In case this is unclear, of course you need to create a database before you can import anything on your server. The backup backups the tables (content) of the database naturally.
  • ROL Member
    Thanks Acrylian, that clears up the "export database" issue.

    It turns out, that by simply transferring all of my existing ZP files and the correct establishment of the new host database eased transition considerably and the site is now working. (i.e., rather than uploading a new v 1.3 and using the backup function as per the aforementioned new installation instructions)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Good, an now the update to;-)
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