THUMBNAIL - Not Showing

I normally shoot with my Nokia 6020. When I installed ZENphoto in my IIS localhost with php5 GD supprt. My nokia picture was not showing. Then i try with another picture they works very wll.
I digg into the support but find many thing but not anything with my problem.
In photoshop i open the image and save it again then it works. Every picture of my Nokia is not showing thumbs but the last click picture can be view on IE7.
I think somthing with GD library is problematic... my pic is 640x480 and 96dpi, I convert it to 72dpi then it works...
another thing is when i make it again 96dpi it becomes big lke 800 or more big but it was showing in 640x480 . I think its a bug....
Hope you guys will do something about this...
Thanks every one.....
Specially ZENphoto for such a Gallery software...


  • trisweb Administrator
    Can you please send me some example photos that aren't working? trisweb at gmail (dot com of course). With things to test with, we can determine if it's something we can fix, then fix it :) Thanks!
  • Yes of course! I 'm sending now... Update >>> it's also dont work with Nokia 7210 photos ...
  • hey , sorry again... r you test it? can you give me a solution...? Sorry for disturbing...

    Keep well

    -the Munna
  • hello again ,

    Any thing hapens? I need solution ? Please somebody help....
  • trisweb Administrator
    Your solution temporarily is to load the images in a photo album software and re-export them in a correct JPEG format. You might also try contacting your host and asking them to upgrade GD?

    I'll keep investigating, but this is likely a problem with your phone's images and GD's ability to handle them... very weird. Perhaps you should try upgrading your phone if there's new software for it as well.
  • I found the problem, grant write permission to Cache folder, it where temp thumbs were stored

  • trisweb Administrator
    Ah, that would do it. The Nokia photo probably had small dimensions, so the image processor tries to redirect directly to it. If the permissions are wrong in any of the albums/... folders or the cache/ folder, it could fail.

    Thanks! Sorry I didn't think of that sooner... pretty obvious.
  • i get the list of albums but no thumbs. can someone tell me the tag to make thumbs apear on the site.
    and where should i put it
  • give us a link to your site so we can diagnose it better.
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