Favorite images Shown as page

Is there any way i can selecte best of my images from albums and tag it as fav and show them in a Page ..

Want to add extra page "My Favorite" and show images which i select from my albums.

any help ?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Why don't you use the dynamic albums feature? Otherwise you will have to write a custom function using hte object model.
  • thanks a lot acrylian. btw can i make a page and integrate that dynamic album to specific to that page ?
  • as i just wanted to have my own fav images to be placed in that folder i wonder search would do solve that purpose. any way to mark it as fav and put images in dynamic album ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is the purpose of dynamic albums. Please see the user guide on how to use them.
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