zpGalleriffic v1.4 Sorting Album

using zpGalleriffic theme latest and having Album and subAlbum both. as i am not programer dont know where to set things so that the

Main Albums getting listed and sorted by latest image uploaded first. weather its main album or subAlbum.

please help me urgent. looking for this since last two three days but couldnt find out.

urgent help appreciated.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There are really a lot of sorting settings on the backend you hardly can miss if you look a minute (on main options, on each album edit page).

    Of course this theme might override these settings because of the JS stuff. But that I can't answer.
  • thanks acrylian you may be right but the thing is that i have set the Gallery Setting to "filemtime > descending " and so the Image in OPTIONS in Admin.

    For example


    I've uploaded "Peregrine Flacon" images to test on my site
    still the Eurasian Kestrel Album is first and the same way the Main Falcon Album is somewhere on 3rd or 4th page in main gallery
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As said I am not familiar with this third party theme in case it does anything special. Maybe check if you enabled the html cache and maybe clear it, maybe the old pages are still cached.
  • gjr Member
    Using zpGalleriffic shouldn't matter with this issue. Does your sorting issue happen in the included themes as well?
  • thanks gjr yes it give same problem with default theme also. dont know how to solve. static_html_cache is disabled. tried clearing cache but still the main album dosent show latest one first.

    my purpose is

    50 main album
    300+ sub album in main

    images and when available upload in respective bird album and so the sub and main album should come up based on uploaded

    please guide
  • also on my local mac on MAMP the same ditto setup of zenphoto with gellariffic theme byte to byte here in Falcons > Peregrine Falcon Album is first where as on the live server on www.wildart.in if you see Falcons > Eurasian Kestrel is first though i uploaded the images in Peregrine and that also few images are very recent than kestrel which are almost taken in 2009
  • gjr Member
    I wonder if you are confusing the backend display with the frontend.

    The dropdown box to the top right when viewing the images in an album in the BACKEND sorts the image display there, for when you are working with them.

    To set the frontend sort, you need to modify the setting in options tab->image tab (first setting).

    Anyway, just to confirm, your issue doesn't seem to be theme specific.
  • one more thing i noticed

    http://www.wildart.in/index.php?album=Falcons/Peregrine Falcon&image=_MG_9348.jpg

    if you see exif on left just below the Name Peregrine Falcon (title) date shows 12/18/2010 where actual taken date is 2011:03:27 which also does not show on live though it sets to show original date and time to be seen on image in admin.
  • Dear gjr the old issue is been resolved by iptc changes.

    now that i've gone through many settings.
    what i would want to do is.


    i want to show Album sorting based on image uploaded in SubAlbum.
    what to set cuz i almost tried all things. Subalbum works fine when i set Gallery option to filemtime (descending)

    but at the same time Parent album dosent reflect that way.
    Any Help on this plz ?
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