album loose its configuration


I put an album in a generic album
and then I put a 'album password' on the level 2 album
I save... the login works correctly for 2 min then the album loose the password :/

If I put the password on the album in the root, there is no problem

Any idea on why ?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What Zenphoto version?
  • Zenphoto version [6817] (Official Build)

    Got this issue when I upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4
  • Please be a bit more specific. It is highly unlikely that the password was "lost" after two minutes as it is stored permanantly in the database. What makes you think it is gone?
  • So I configured an album password on a specific sub album.
    I checked with 2 browsers on 2 differents PCs if the album is protected. Everything's fine.
    I gave the password to someone to check the album.
    Then this person contacted me to explain that :
    - the password doesn't work
    - the album is in public access

    When I check back in the configuration of the album
    1- the password of the album is no longer there (and the lock is open)
    2- the thumbnail choosen as the album thumbnail is gone and replace by the random choice
    3- the hit counter is reseted to 0
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So the only thing I was able to reproduce is a bug with password protected albums (and possible other items) and the static html cache. As that for not logged in users also caches a protected album that has the guest password entered.
    I have opened a ticket about this bug.

    Besides that I am not able to reproduce this behaviour. Take a look:

    Of course for passwords to work the visitor's browser has to have cookies enabled.
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