
I can't display the installation instructions. I've tried for several days.. and I keep getting:

The server at www.zenphoto.org is taking too long to respond

Is there another place I can get instructions? I downloaded the zip file, and would like to try it. but I don't want to mess something up by trying to install it blind.


  • Ditto.

    Any heads up? Saw that the site had server issues. Any resolution yet? Or am I just SOL for the time being?
  • if you download the zip file it has the instructions in it

    zenphoto installation instructions
    For more detailed instructions, visit

    1. Edit the zp-config.php.example file with your database and other info, and rename
    it to zp-config.php when you're done (remove the .example).

    2. If you want to use mod_rewrite for cruft-free URLs, edit the one line of .htaccess

    3. Get the files in the zenphoto.zip or zenphoto.tar.gz package on to your
    server somehow if you haven't already (FTP, SSH, wget, tar -xzvf .., etc.)

    4. Change the permissions on the albums/ and cache/ directories to be writable by the server:
    chmod 777 albums/ cache/
    or use your FTP program.

    5. Go to http://www.yoursite.com/zenphoto/zen/setup.php and follow the
    simple instructions.
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