I search here, and gound result which seem to have been deleted ???
so I ask my question again, and add more detail of my needs :
I have some albums.
in one albums, I would like to see a thumbnail. if I click on the thumbnail, I would like to play the youtube video linked.
the youtube video will comes from my account, and will be private in youtube (I don't want anyone see my baby starting to walk, and his first bike run !!!)
this thumbnail could comes a jpeg I could provide.
the video infos could comes from a text I can enter.
how can I do it ?
I see some person talking about a text file methid, but all link I found are broken, when I try to access it
thank you for any help
thank you.
I was browsing a lot this morning without success.
it helps me a lot.
thanks again.
I use something like this :
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/..." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I use the ZenPage theme.
the video is too large. if I reduce the size, it is not centered.
I tried to add "align=middle" or align=center without success.
is there an easy way to center the youtube video in the area displaying it with scrollbar ?
is there a way to use the entire area size for that video, without the scrollbar ?
I looked into the customizing in user doc, and still search...
<iframe width="460" height="300" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/...." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen align="center"></iframe>
like this : no scrollbar.
not centered, but it start to look nice
width=100% did the trick. thanks
about the height, I had to use height=99% in order to have no scrollbar...
now I encounter other issue in the mobile theme (same site, showing the mobile theme on my phone)
nothing about the video is shown. album with only photos shown properly.
Regarding the phone. If you have an iPhone the video will not work if it is a flash only one (Youtube still has some). This is a device limitation.
I solved my issue with mobile theme, it was a limitation with the user. using the admin credential, I see properly the video.
I will go back to tune properly my website.
thanks for support.