Zenphoto width - Theme width is narrow

My site is 961px wide (and many sites are that wide now days)
Zenphoto themes are 634px or so. (like years back width)
How is this changed in control panel the width?
If not there how is it changed in CSS I am using evervest (sp) default theme. If there is a setting I can not find it.
I know how to edit CSS BTW but it seems odd that the default is so narrow and makes you goto that point to change it.
I like zenphoto and have used it for years but default is narrow.
Thanks for any help.


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I'm not sure what you mean by "evervest (sp) default theme".

    Anyway, there is no backend option to set the width of of a theme.
    You'll have to use CSS to do that.
  • effervescence+ theme.
    Date zen site started 2007.
    Time hacked one.
    Other problems few.

    The default theme widths are to narrow.

    Facebook facebook.com 980px
    Yahoo yahoo.com 990px
    MSN msn.com 970px
    New York Times nytimes.com 970px
    Wikipedia wikipedia.com 100%
    Web Krunk webkrunk.com 985px
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, there is no rule you must use the full width which in times of responsive is getting relative anyway...:-)

    Themes generally are a suggestion to use if they fit and if not meant to be customized to personal likings and needs. This counts especially for the simple on purpose default theme.

    So feel free to change them. Or even better create some themes and provide them to the ZP community.

    I for example planned to rework the Zenpage theme for the coming 1.4.5 but didn't find the time because there was always more important stuff to do (ZP and non ZP stuff). Same for some other themes I have plans.
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