Watermark Settings Issue

How do you make a watermark appear only on the biggest image?

There is a setting only for "images" and that seems to cover bother the middle size image for browsing, and the bigger image. I don't want to have a watermark on my middle sized image as it is tacky and nobody can do too much with the image.

Do I have to hack the code, or is their a simple solution to this?


  • lkjs Member
    I have found this, but I see the i.php has changed a lot and can't figure out how to do this hack. It's been three years, you'd think it wouldn't be overlooked so long. :-(

    Reminds me of not having delete-all function in iphone mail.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You are talking about the "full image" the middle size images is called the "sized image" (http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-glossary").

    Seems we have no option to only add watermarks to full images. You may open a ticket about that.
  • lkjs Member
    I have made a ticket, but is there an easy hack to the i.php like the guy in 2008 did? I am no php ninja, that is for sure.

    Seems very simple.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the ticket. I have not looked at this hack at all. (no one else ever complained or opened a ticket which is why it "has not been addressed yet").
  • lkjs Member
    Strange! An option for each class of image would be best way. I can see someone wanting to use a less obtrusive watermark for the sized image.

    If you are showing images of paintings, it is very bad not to have a watermark, and it is also very bad to have a lower res image with one!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, many more professional sites do not use the full image at all for obvious reasons (besides even a watermark does not really protect from stealing, right?...:-))

    You opened a ticket and we will take a look.
  • lkjs Member
    Well nothing can stop people from stealing ideas or photoshopping out the watermark, but they are going to have to try hard. Most thieves are lazy, and the good thieves, well you are right, you cannot stop them.

    If you are trying to exhibit the quality of your work though, you need to at least show the high-res detail. Art is very difficult to depict two dimensionally.

    Another feature idea would be a high-res crop of the sized image.
  • lkjs Member
    Anyway, thanks. Will post hack myself if I figure something out. It is not so easy!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I absolutly understand the reason/intention of your request.
  • Of course, hacking i.php is not the right solution. The right solution is to add an option to the watermarking set for the full image. i.php does not even get involved in displaying the full image.
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