I am using zpfocus theme together with zenpage. When linting the Url of a gallery image, I get the text of the truncated description on the "News" sidebar instead of the text on the gallery. So if you post the link to the gallery image page in facebook, the link description is posted as something else entirely unrelated.
Facebook provides the following errors:
Required Property Missing og:title is required
Required Property Missing og:type is required
Required Property Missing og:image is required
Required Property Missing og:url is required
http://developers.facebook.com/tools/lintWhen linting the URLs of the News pages I get the same errors, but the correct description pops up.
Facebook devlopers all crying about how URL linting never works right, and in facebook documentation it isn't very helpful. I was wondering if anyone new a simple solution to this?
I have hacked a fair bit of the theme, but can't figure this one out. I am hesitant to bother with facebook plugins if all I will get is incorrect lints, but maybe these plugins solve the issue somehow?
Whatever your issue is it may be theme related so I added the name to the topic.
I think it is an important issue though, you should try putting in any url with an image and text into this link: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint
That is to test how your image and link will appear when posted by someone on facebook. Facebook sometimes gets confused and allows you to choose which image is correct before posting, but with text, if the description is wrong, you are out of luck.
However, I can't figure out how to load sidebar in a different order without messing up the css. When I load it last the whole theme mirrors itself.
<?php include("header.php"); ?>
<?php include("sidebar.php"); ?>
I just copied and pasted the sidebar include right before the footer and it linted properly.
The other meta keys that you mention are keys that help you to direct the different aspects of sharing through Facebook.
As acrylian mentioned I did do up a suite of Facebook plug-ins for integration with Facebook that I try to keep as up-to-date as possible with the Facebook api etc.
Take a look here.
As a note, if you want to just add the meta-tags refer to this documentation for what they mean and how to populate them.
Also, if you want, take some time and lint some of my pages randomly and see what comes up.
You are right, it needs meta properties, and this is best solution. I fail badly at the php trying to associate various properties in it. I don't think changing the loading order is a solution unless I missed something, because the only way I can think of to keep the formatting is javascript and that seems bad solution.
Perhaps a feature like in joomla to just put the meta tags for each page in would be best solution for zenphoto? What is best way to individually put in the the meta properties for each page? No luck trying anything that way.
In the mean time you can address it like acrylian said by loading the html_meta_tags plugin. It will at least address your description issue.
However, in the zpFocus theme it still takes the cache from the sidebar rotator. I think the description being right is the main thing however! You can still scroll through to find correct image when you post.
if (getImageThumb()) {
echo '';
} else {
$logo = getOption('zenFBcommon_defaultlogo');
if ($logo != NULL) {
echo '';
For some reason when linting an url the thumbnail comes up blank. The og:image is linted as:
instead of:
Correct me if I am wrong.
My guess is that getImageThumb includes the directory structure link to the cached thumb, but then FULLWEBPATH also includes part of the directory structure. I'll fix that up in a few.
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The double directory reference or whatever it was seemed a weird logic error. I looked at it for a good 45 minutes trying to see what was wrong. I guessed the same thing about getimagethumb but dont know enough about php to get solution.
Thanks for hard work, and if I'm ever not bust will at least buy you some groceries. This is a nice friendly place and makes me want to learn more and recommend ZP. I don't get such nice help even from things I pay a lot for.
Still I have one question about the Like button - If I click "Like", is posts it on my wall in FB but does not display it on the "main wall" where everyone could see it?!. If You could understand what I mean.
Often times you're going to have to wait for the Facebook crawler to scrape your site. Make sure you've set the admin/app ID's as linked to in the zenFBcommon plugin. They provide links to the explanation pages as to how/why you need to do this as well.