I ran Zenphoto 1.2.4 a while back and decided to upgrade to I installed, and didn't seem to have too many troubles, but for some reason, I am unable to add any pages or articles, or categories. I typed out a long article, clicked on ADD ARTICLE. The script runs, then my typed page disappears, there is no error message, no article saved message, nothing. There is also no new article added when I click on the articles tab. The same occurs when I try to add a category, or page. Anything to do with ZenPage, basically. I am able to upload photos, etc.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting?
Setup Log:
Zenphoto Setup v1.4.0.3[6817] Thu, 28 Apr 2011 19:44:08 -0700
warn: PHP mbstring package [Your internal character set is ISO-8859-1] Setting mbstring.internal_encoding to UTF-8 in your php.ini file is recommended to insure accented and multi-byte characters function properly.
warn: File/Folder Permissions [are relaxed (0775)] If file and folder permissions are not set to strict or tighter there could be a security risk. However, on some servers Zenphoto does not function correctly with tight file/folder permissions. If Zenphoto has permission errors, run setup again and select a more relaxed permission.
Set File/Folder permissions to strict+ (0750) strict (0755) relaxed (0775) loose (0777)apply.
warn: The Zenphoto filesystem character define is UTF‑8 [no test performed] Setup did not perform a test of the filesystem character set. You can cause setup to test for a proper definition by creating a file in your zp-data folder named charset.tést and re-running setup.If your server filesystem character set is different from UTF‑8 and you create album or image filenames names containing characters with diacritical marks you may have problems displaying the names.Change the filesystem character set define to Unknown ASMO-708 DOS-720 ISO-8859-6 WINDOWS-1256 IBM775 ISO-8859-4 WINDOWS-1257 IBM852 ISO-8859-2 WINDOWS-1250 EUC-CN GB2312 HZ-GB-2312 BIG5 cp866 ISO-8859-5 KOi8-R KOi8-U WINDOWS-1251 IBM737 ISO-8859-7 WINDOWS-1253 IBM869 DOS-862 ISO-8859-8-i ISO-8859-8 WINDOWS-1255 CP870 CP1026 EBCDIC-CP-US IBM861 EUC-JP ISO-2022-JP CISO2022JP SHIFT_JIS KS_C_5601-1987 EUC-KR ISO-2022-KR JOHAB ISO-8859-3 ISO-8859-15 IBM437 WINDOWS-874 IBM857 ISO-8859-9 WINDOWS-1254 US-ASCII UNICODE UNICODEFFFE UTF-7 UTF-8 WINDOWS-1258 IBM850 ISO-8859-1 MACINTOSH WINDOWS-1252apply.If you do not know the character set try "unknown"
Completed system check
Setup cookie test successful
Notice: "Module mod_rewrite" is working. The Zenphoto option "mod_rewrite" will be set to "enabled".
Set default options for default
Set default options for stopdesign
Set default options for effervescence_plus
Set default options for zenpage
Set default options for zpmasonry
setup-functions.php deleted.
setup-option-defaults.php deleted.
setup-primitive.php deleted.
setup-sqlform.php deleted.
setup.css deleted.
setup_permissions_changer.php deleted.
setup_themeOptions.php deleted.
setup_set-mod_rewrite.php deleted.
setup.php deleted.
setup/ deleted.
-- eventually found the link to nightly build, but problem persists.
Do you have a Zenphoto backup of your database? One thing you might try (if you do have backup) is dropping the "news" table and re-runnign setup. This will at least create a correct "news" table. Hopefully then you will be able to import your articles from the Zenphoto backup.
What specific link to the nightly builds did not work? I just tested the one on the download page and it seems to work for me. We have migrated our Website from Wordpress to Zenphoto and there may still be some glitches.
Nothing on that page works for me, such as http://www.zenphoto.org/?download=2135
EDIT: I dropped the zp_news. Exported the old news database which at the time was zp_zenpage_news, and imported correctly. The database shows up correctly in the administration, but editing and adding still are not working properly.
I removed everything and installed version 1.4 base. Articles failed. I removed the installation and installed 1.3 which allowed me to add things. Just a little more information.
That wouldn't save any articles either.
I ran into this a while back myself and brought it up then. At that point the 'add article' button and 'apply' button were right next to each other.
The same for the other pages, after you enter everything in to your liking, click 'apply' instead of 'add category' or 'add page' etc
Probably best to remove that button when the page is already in the new article page.
"Add article" and similar are in the current release on the right side while the "apply" one is on the left. The "add" ones stays as so you can direclty add another page after saving/apply the current one.