Is there a way to hide "No Comments" and "Closed for comments."?
I was hoping that I could control it in the theme or that there might be a CSS class that I could set to display: none, but there doesn't appear to be.
I could edit the PHP file directly, but I would prefer not to edit core files directly.
From what I can see, I can have a local copy of the comment_form/comment_form.php file, but the same doesn't hold true for the main comment_form.php file.
Ideally, there would be a class such as "no-comments" applied to the "No Comments" h3 and a class of "comments-closed" applied to the "Closed for comments." h3 and the "Subscribe to comments" link, when applicable.
Is there a way I can do this myself? Is there a possibility of having this added in the future?
It would be nice to know both and have them nested. For example, if comments are closed and there are no comments, I could remove the whole block. But if there are comments and comments are closed, I'd like to let the user know that comments are closed.
I'm not sure it's possible to achieve what I'd like with just adding a few classes to the current HTML. I may end up writing my own plugin.