Menu manager extension Fatal error Help !

Hi everybody,

When I click on the "Menu" in my administration this error message appear : "Fatal error: Class 'ZenpageItems' not found in /homez.228/djoaroun/www/galerie-photo/zp-core/zp-extensions/zenpage/zenpage-class-page.php on line 10"
So I can't create menus on my galery it's very busy...

Please help me ;-)
Have a good day, enjoy !


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please provide minimal info about your installation. See the forum rules.

    Generally you probably did not enable the Zenpage plugin.
  • Oh sorry.

    Zenphoto version : [6817] (official version)
    Thème : zpArdoise
    PHP version : 5.2.17
    PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

    13 extensions [ON] :
    class-video v1.4.0
    comment_form v1.4.0
    contact_form v1.4.0
    deprecated-functions v1.4.0
    hitcounter v1.4.0
    html_meta_tags v1.4.0
    image_album_statistics v1.4.0
    menu_manager v1.4.0
    security-logger v1.4.0
    tiny_mce v1.4.0
    zenphoto_news v1.4.0
    zenphoto_sendmail v1.4.0
    zenphoto_seo v1.4.0

    "Generally you probably did not enable the Zenpage plugin." What do you mean ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The error you got is related to the Zenpage CMS plugin (see our site) not being enabled. However the menu_manager should not require this. Please try with one of the included Zenpage theme. It might be that zpArdoise does something different.
  • I am getting the same error message when I click on the menu tab. I have confirmed that the "menu_manager v1.4.0" plugin is activated. In fact, if I deactivate it the menu tab disappears.

    Zenphoto version [6590] (Official Build)
    Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
    Current gallery theme: Zenpage
    PHP version: 5.2.17
    Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
    PHP memory limit: 96M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
    MySQL version: 5.1.56
    Database name: pixelsmi_znp1
    Table prefix: zp_
    Spam filter: none
    CAPTCHA generator: zenphoto
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should try to enable the Zenpage plugin as well as the error is related to that. Although that should not be required for the menu as said above.

    Generally please upgrade to the current release to see if the issue is fixed.
  • zenpage plugin did the trick. Thanks for the fast reply!
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