PrintLatestImages and Protected Albums

Hi Sbillard and Acrylian,

I don't know if I find a bug or it's a normal behaviour.

I have a private password protected album, works fine.
Recently, with the users right management i made a redactor group for my mew blog.
The redactors can't see the password protected album even if they ara login in the site, they don't have the password. (The password forms appear normaly)

But i made a lastest php page with that code :
<?php printLatestImages ($number=20, albumfolder='',showtitle=false, $showdate=false,showdesc=false,
In this page, the password protected album is display then the redactor are login in Zenphoto.

I think that the normal behaviour should be not to display this albums.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It should not show images from password protected albums unless you are loggedin with the proper rights. That is probably a bug then. Open a ticket please.
  • Laurent Member

    Ticket created

  • Laurent Member

    Thanks for this new version. I download the
    The printLatestImages fonction works fine. But for now i'm a little "lost":
    The redactor CAN see the private album even if they are password protected.

  • Please review the description of user rights on the WEB site. Depending on the rights you have assigned, this is quite possible.
  • Laurent Member
    Yes i know, but i don't change any option in the admin right.
    In my first post is was the printLatestimages that didn't works and now is the album.

  • You will have to be a bit clearer. "the album" does not work? What does that mean?
  • Laurent Member
    You're right,

    In the user admin group, I have create a redactor group with the right to manage only a categories of pages.

    In my gallery, i also have a private album with a login and a pasword.
    In ZP The redactor group doesn't have access to my private album, but the pictures was display with the printLatestimages fonctions, so i create the ticket ``.
    You made a new version and with the printLatestimages all works fine, but now, the redactor group can view my private without the need to enter the login and password.


    Edit : I Use the Zenpage theme, maybe it's important.

    Edit 2 : I made some other test maybe i'll help you.

    I have create a User : "test" and i manage the right of this user directly, without the group. It's works fine.
    So I have checked and cut/paste the checked option from my test user to my redactor group ==> It doesn't work.
  • Maybe you need to be specific:

    Album does not work means the use can visit the album on the front end without the password? You said that was working correctly initially. The above changes have no impact on that access method.

    What exactly is are the rights for the group? It is highly unlikely that this does work for the "test" user but not for the redactor user. So there must be some difference.
  • Laurent Member
    I have found.
    I have have notice that some options of my redactors group was not duplicate in the user right. I also notice that some option that i checked was not save.
    So i decide to delete the user but the user can be remove.
    I went into the database and i delete this user manually.

    After, in the ZP administration i create a new user with a group assignement, and now it's works.
    My problem was with the SQL database

    Thanks for your help.
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