Hi everyone. I just installed Zenphoto version [7122] (Official Build), and I'm trying to activate the Anyfile plugin. The problem is that it says this plugin is part of the package, but I don't see it on the list or in the package. Any ideas?
Thank you!
I've tried a bunch of different file types and it keeps saying "ONLY SUPPORTED FILETYPES ALLOWED!" in the jQuery file chooser.
Any help will be appreciated
I just have to ask in case. You did install the complete BETA nightly and not just the plugin?
In the upload page I do see the file extension but it doesn't seem to work.
First I tried adding the CR2 without the dot and hitting enter, then save. This doesn't "seem" to work, but when I checked the database I noticed it was being added with a value of 0.
AnyFile_file_list_CR2 0 NULL NULL
I changed it to 1 in the database and it shows on the list and it lets me upload CR2 files.
`AnyFile_file_list_CR2 1 NULL NULL`
Hopefully this helps