Dynamic Album Exact Tags

Hi everyone,

Firstly, great product. Love it compared to a lot of other similar systems - this one is as close to perfect as it could get!

Anyway, my problem is creating Dynamic Albums. What I've got is dynamic albums being made strictly by tags. So what I'll have is xyz5, xyz5.1, xyz5.2 (and so on). However, if I want just the results of xyz5 it'll also include galleries of xyz5.1 and 5.2 in the same gallery.

Have I missed an option here which I haven't got checked? I've tried quotation marks and it hasn't made a difference.

Thanks for any assistance and I hope that made sense.


  • Do you have the "exact tags" radio checked in the search fields list?
  • kocho Member
    Hey sbillard, if you're talking about on the "zenphoto Create Dynamic Album" page, I don't have that option.

    In the Search Fields box I have City, Country, Description, Location/Place, State, Tags, Title.

    Running: Zenphoto version [6590]
    Current gallery theme: JoshuaInk Theme
  • kocho Member
    Ahh, just had another look. I'm guessing you mean on Options --> Search. That's fixed it!

    Awesome, thanks for your help!
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