Creating users from csv file

Is there a way to create admins by importing as a csv file? I've been using a previous application and would now like to import all the users into the new zenphoto application. Thank you in advance for your response.


  • Sure, but none will be able to log-in until their passwords get reset. Zenphoto does not keep cleartext passwords, only hashed ones. While I suppose you could reverse engineer the hashing algorithm it would probably not be worth it.

    As well, you will have to coinsider rights management for those users. Probably easiest to use "user groups" and assign them all to a group.

    You can also tell all your users to go to the site and "register" using the register user plugin.

    This is outside the realm of Zenphoto. Use your database tools to add the users in the CSV to the administrator's table.
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