bmp problems

OK so here is the website (

When I upload a bmp it shows as a broken image link....however if you click through the album...image...and get to the direct link to the bmp image it shows up perfectly fine. (

What would be causing the thumbnails to not show correctly? JPGs work fine...just not bmps. Any info would be appreciate ...THANKS!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    BMP is simply not a common web image format (png, jpg, gif). So your server's graphics libary, that does the processing for thumbnails and such, requires support for that. You find the supported file types on the upload admin page for example or in the phoinfo(). Zenphoto supports two different libaries if available on your server: GDlibary or Imagaick
    Both need to be installed with the appropiate format support. Ask your host about that.

    Another possibility is that your images are too big for your server to be processed. See the troubleshooting about that.
  • josteen Member
    OK here is the next question how can I change the supported file types for zenphoto if I want to make it where the user can only upload jpg or jpegs? So instead of BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, 3GP, FLV, MOV, MP3, MP4, and ZIP.....I just want JPEG and JPG? That way its not possible for them to upload a bmp and experience the problem.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So did you check if the file dimensions was the issue (as said on the user guide)? Did you look at the server error log what it reported on the failure? (Ask your host if you don't where that is).

    Regarding file types limiting look at the quota_manager plugin.
  • for video objects disable the class_video plugin. Unfortunately there never was before a call for disabling formats that the graphic library claims to support, so BMP, etc. are there because your graphics library says it will handle them.
  • josteen Member
    My client is using for a host and I have never used them before...I'm finding their hosting package and backup controls to be VERY limited. Trying to get the info you're asking about. Since it's a shared hosting account though I doubt they'll give me/or I'll access to any server error logs. The particular file dimensions on these photos were 750by550ish and approx 1.14 MB each. I could just easily convert them to jpg and upload it, but I know my client will want to take over and eventually just upload images himself and will prolly upload the bmp he gets from his digital camera directly to the site and will get the same broken links. Just trying to avoid that if I can.
  • First, if you read the troubleshooting guide you would remember that it is not the size of the tile that matters, it is the pixel count. For holding an image in memory there is required 3 bytes per pixel of the image. Similaraly there needs to be memory for target of the resize as well or the processing will fail. I am told that Imagick does a better job of memory management during resizing that the GD library, so that is one route to persue.

    Your scrips have to be given enough memory to do the processing or it really does not matter what your client wants to do. Also, if the problem really is that the graphics library will not deal with BMP, then again he will not be able to successfully upload and use them.

    These are issues beyond the scope of Zenphoto.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "shared hosting account" only one account for multiple users? Seems odd if that is the case. But if it is just that more than one user uses the server that is no excuse for not having access to the logs of your script execution. Most professional ISPs provide a means to review the logs. No other way you can tell what is going wrong, so if they don't then they will just get inundated with "why did my site not work?" questions.

    [edit] Just a curiosity--what digital camera captures in BMP? I've never heard of such, even in the dark days of the original kodak digitals.
  • josteen Member
    Shared hosting account - meaning not VPS or Dedicated servers. You have many customers on one server with space allocated for each. I worked for GoDaddy for many years and that's what its called so that's why I refer to it as such. Also, I know from experience working there as well as dealing with many other "shared hosting" services you do not have access to server error logs with some companies. You can get access to some of them like Perl/CGI errors but not full error logs. That's why I usually stick with hosts where I know I have this sort of access but in this case I dont have a choice. As far as being inundated with "why did my site not work?" questions...well that's why most hosting companies have a canned answer of ...its a scripting problem check your script. I got yelled out time and time again at GD by customers for this type of service, but there were no error logs to provide them on "shared hosting accounts." Even when I knew what the problem was I couldnt inform the customer as we did not provide "scripting support." But anyways that is beside the point.

    I've gone over the Troubleshooting guide and the pixel count and that all checks out fine and dandy. I thought acrylian
    asked about the image dimensions thats why I provided that info.

    I've used Zen with Hostgator and never recall having this problem so I'm sure its something to do with I emailed their support and asked what graphics library processing software they provide on their hosting plans and the response I got was...we forwarded your email to our modifications team so they could make the appropriate changes to your website. Puzzling as I didnt request any changes I simply asked them if they supported either CDlibrary or ImageMagick.
  • There is an exmple plugin named filter_file_searchs that can with a small modification remove BMP from the upload list of allowed filetypes.

    I have made the changes but will have to rely on my collegue to get it up on the site as I am traveling at prestent.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, I did ask about the pixel dimensions and not the file size (in relation to the troubleshooting entry). You need to find out if your host's graphics libary really supports BMP or if it really allocates enough memory for 750x550px images. If it is a small account or something that even might be too big. Only the host will be able to tell that.
    If they don't support you need to educated you client to use standard webformats. There are convenient offline tools for such conversions (and if he is a professional photographer he probably has Photoshop which provides that as well).

    You could just use phpinfo() to get the info about the configuration of the webspace. Make a file named `info.php` that contains just `<?php phpinfo(); ?>` and call that file.

    Even if it is a shared host you should have access to the server error log. I am on shared hosting as well and have that (it is possible on all I know, although sometimes inconveniently buried on the host's admin interface). Again you need to contact the host. Otherwise we are just guessing.

    Here is the file sbillard mentioned (it is not a direct download link):
  • josteen Member
    Thanks for the file.

    I'm checking with the host, but still havent heard a word. Everytime I email their support I get an email back saying my message was forwarded to their modification team. Not dealing with the brightest of hosting companies here.

    We'll have to agree to disagree on shared hosting companies and server error logs because you think you know and I think I know. Truth is I spent 4 years working at Godaddy and I know for a fact that on certain plans there you will not be provided any FULL server error logs and I know a few other hosts that have the same structure. Again that's why I stick with hosts that I know give full access to this sort of thing. Not trying to argue about that minor point so again we'll agree to disagree. :)

    Thanks for the help guys!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course you won't the log for the complete server. But there must be a way to see possible PHP errors for that specific webspace. Maybe you can enable error reporting via htaccess instead.
  • ok im using the filter-file_searches plug in and when I open the settings it says "Check image suffixes to be ingnored" however, it is not allowing me to do anything. I see all the images suffixes but there are no checkboxes by them and I cant select them. Any clue?
  • nm just gotta use something other than IE haha. Figures.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you think this a bug checkboxes not appearing for some reason in IE please open a ticket (unlikely as my collegue sbillard uses IE for testing actually). Otherwise it will be forgotton.
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