Provide cookie description to users


Do you think it would be possible to include a page with a list of cookies that Zenphoto might use and their description, say located near credits, with Zenphoto distribution/themes. Something like this here:

Or provide that info in Zenphoto documentation, so that site operators can add that themselves.

This is because of EU privacy law.

Thank you.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am in the EU (Germany) and I know of no rule that you need to list all cookies explicitly. You can disable them at any time in your browser (and possibly loose some functionality as always) and of course you should have a note about that on your site.

    Some cookies I currently know off hand (we don't have a list actually):
    - "zenphoto_auth" for login stuff
    - "dynamic_locale" for language selection
    - "uploadtype" for the backend upload facility (flash multifile, http)

    There are also some for search context (to stay within in search results or dynamic albums).
  • makar Member
    This is EU's Privacy and Communications Directive which came to force on May 26th, but it is up to individual member states to implement this in national law, so this may take some time. As I understand it.

    In UK this is supposed to happen within a year - Cookie law deferred for one year.

    And more here - Changes to the rules on using cookies and similar technologies for storing information.

    EU also wants foreign sites to respect it laws - Non-EU Websites Must Operate Under EU Privacy Laws.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, well the EU and its ideas far removed from the practice...:-) There is a certain tendency to turn divide the "Inter"net" into dozens of "local"nets.... Although I think this guidelines aim at commercial shops, social networks and such primarily, not sites where you can't buy anything.

    Anway, I will try to make up a list of cookies used by the Zenphoto standard package (as I had that in mind anyway) but I will have to search them as well.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I made a quick list of all cookies I could find so far:
    It is yet unpublished and only accessible via the link right now. My collegue will have to take a look at it later (he is travelling currently) regarding the correct documentation.
  • makar Member
    Thank you for your work! :)
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