
roadie Member
I just installed the colorbox plugin, but I can't figure out how to add navigation arrows to the image lightbox. I don't know really know what settings to change.
I'd really appreciate your help.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to modify whatever theme you are using to do so by setting the colorbox JS configuration. Please see the Colorbox website itself for that.
  • roadie Member
    Thanks for your reply!
    I went to the Colorbox website but is very confusing, I really can't figure it out. I'm using Zenpage theme.
    I found this piece of code in the image.php but don't know how to add settings.



    And probably I have to make some changes in the following code in image.php also, but couldn't exactly what from the Colobox website:

    <?php if(getOption("Use_thickbox") && !isImageVideo()) {<br />
    $boxclass = " class=\"thickbox\"";

    $tburl = getUnprotectedImageURL();

    } else {

    $boxclass = "";

    $tburl = getFullImageURL();


    if (!empty($tburl)) {


    "<?php echo $boxclass; ?> title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>">

    <?php<br />

    printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(getBareImageTitle(),580,580); ?>

    <?php<br />
    if (!empty($tburl)) {


    <?php<br />


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the standard image page like that you will never get the arrows even if you configure the Colorbox correctly.

    On that page there is only one image, the sized image or the full image. There is no easy way to get to the next image via Colorbox. You need to create a invisible list of image links which means writing a custom theme function. Look at the standard slideshow plugin to find an example as it does this in "colorbox" mode. I fear this may be over your head given your post though.
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