Hey all,
I've installed Zenphoto before a few times, and, aside from a few issues, was able to get it up and working properly. However, one of my old installs of Zenphoto has gone horribly wrong. When you try to visit it, all you get is a blank, white, completely empty page. You can log into the admin panel, but there does not seem to be any albums when you click on "Edit", although the images are still on the server.
So I tried installing Zenphoto again, on another domain. Same thing: if you look at the gallery, you are greeted by a faceless blank page (no error messages or anything). You can observe it in action
here. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions right. The folders Albums and Cache are set to 777.
I've tried:
- Turning mod_rewrite off. No change.
- Defining the webpath and serverpath. Still no change.
- Uploading something, doesn't work at all.
Any ideas here?
Is there any way you can change the PHP error level, or at least find out what it is? Try putting a phpinfo() test php on your server and find that out...
`<?php phpinfo(); ?>`
Thanks for getting back with me so quick.
Might get something more from that.
Another possibility, are there any blank lines or whitespace outside your `zp-config.php`'s `<?php` / `?>` ? That would cause problems...
Any other ideas?
I can login to admin and upload pics with no problem but when trying to access *any* .php page in the zen dir (except for admin.php) for example: sortable.php just to pick one, or even a non-existent php file (like dogbone.php), I get a totally blank page.
This is true in both FF and IE6/7. A look at the source of the page in FF reveals nothing. No html, nothing.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: I just looked at the db. It appears to be populated correctly. Judging by the behavior, I wouldn't think it's a db problem, but I thought I'd check anyway.
Site is ArgusLight
My hosted machine is a standard LAMP server, as far as I know.
Just more of my 2 cents worth.
Check include paths in php.ini, maybe something else is being included that's not supposed to be?
I'm getting this same problem - with a clean install. Did anyone ever get round to working out what's wrong?
Thanks and sorry about my poor english.
I'm hosted through Dreamhost if that's relevant.
I'll try to have it for you all this week if possible.
But I dunno what to do as I'm not really gifted in all those PHP programmation things... :-S
My gallery : www.goat-rock-band.ch/zenphoto
Could it be a server configuration problem ?
Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/classes.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/goat-rock-band.ch/httpdocs:/tmp) in /var/www/vhosts/goat-rock-band.ch/httpdocs/zenphoto/zen/template-functions.php on line 8
Warning: main(classes.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/goat-rock-band.ch/httpdocs/zenphoto/zen/template-functions.php on line 8
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'classes.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/vhosts/goat-rock-band.ch/httpdocs/zenphoto/zen/template-functions.php on line
But don't know what to do with that... any idea ?
Thanks in advance
If you want to do some searching yourself as well, look for:
open_basedir restriction in effect
on Google.
Let us know when you get the phpinfo working, and we can take a look. If you don't know what phpinfo is or how to set it up, let us know and we'll walk you through the procedure on how to set it up.
By the way here is the phpinfo of my site :
Hope it'll help ;-)
Your safe_mode parameter is on. That's what I was afraid of. Safe Mode is not a very nice thing to have on at your host. It breaks a lot of things, including Zenphoto from working properly. Go here for more information about it: http://us2.php.net/features.safe-mode.
We also have a wiki article about Safe Mode as well here:
The best and most ideal solution is to ask your host to turn off Safe Mode for your site. Let us know if you have any questions.
But before doing that, do you think it is possible to modify the PHP configuration by modifying the .htaccess file. In the FAQ of my host they say it is possible to modify php.ini by putting a .htaccess file in the application directory (here zenphoto directory). If this is true, what should I write in it ?
Thanks for your answers !
So this brings the thing back to the beginning...
Then we need for you to create a phpinfo.php file, place it in your root webserver directory, and then let us know when it's there so we can point to it with our browsers.
Here's what you can place in the file (and save it as phpinfo.php):
`<?php<br />
// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
I still suspect some server misconfiguration, but we'll help you sort it out.
Here you will be able to read the file : http://www.goat-rock-band.ch/phpinfo.php
Now, the support service of my host proposed me to ad this line in the .htaccess :
`php_value include_path .:php_value include_path .:/var/www/vhosts/goat-rock-band.ch/httpdocs/zenphoto`
Which I, of course, don't understand and which creates this error :
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, didicoen@bluewin.ch and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
And with this I'm unable to access to administration panel anymore... Removing the line makes it OK. Which is still weird 'cause I'm able to administrate the whole thing without beeing able to see it :-S
Thanks again for your help !
It also sounds like they need to configure this for you from their end, not require you to "patch" your server configuration yourself through your site's htaccess. Zenphoto is definitely not doing anything out of the ordinary. Do you have other PHP/MySQL applications running that are having trouble too (like Wordpress for instance?). I'd be curious to see if the open_basedir restriction isn't causing issues with other PHP scripts too.
I'm not sure that I've understood exactly what you said above. In your opinion my host should modify something on the server ? This open_basedir thing isn't really clear to me actually, but I'll try and have a look...
And if I find time, I'll try and install something else and report here if I meet problems ;-)
And as the week-end is coming, I don't hope they'll answer me before monday... so since then, wait'n'see...
Thanks !