default tumbnails for image_album_statistics functions


The function printLatestImages, printTopRatedImages, etc from the image_album_statistics plugin created their own tumbnails.

Is is possible to use the default tumbnails for these functions? So the tumbnails are not created twices and you can use the custom crop function and the tumbnails look everywhere the same.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You will have to modify the functions and make your own custom plugin or theme functions. Use the "get" type to create your own.

    They are different as people like to have different sizes for layout flexibility. We can probably put this as an option on the list thought (for some time after 1.4.1).
  • Holl Member
    Thanks for your fast reaction.

    I am unfortunately not skilled enough to make my own plugin. I understand why people want to choose a different size, but a option in the functions to use the default gallery thumbnails would be most welcome!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please open a ticket then.
  • Holl Member
    Done ;)
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