I just saw that there are some new plugins. Okay, not officially supported but maybe someone can help. How do I have to install them. I just copied the effects to the effenberger_effects folder in the core plugin folder. And I've activated one effect (filmed, curl, beavel) it to all images. I only get an error not saying what. Where to ge with the *.php file?
As said "Extract the effect files and place in the image_effects folder (in the global plugins folder). [...] Download reflex.zip, unzip it, and place reflex.js in the folder. Check the image_effects foder in the zenphoto extensions to see if there is already header file. If not create one in the plugins/image_effects folder. Use as a model one of the other Effenberger effects header files."
It's not clear which file goes in which folder, if subfolders (like effernberger_effects) are needed in the global plugin folder or zp-extensions/image_effects folder to meet the header files information.
And the *.js files are already there, but they don't work? So I have to go to the Effenberger-wenbsite to get different ones?
Needs to be a bit more precise for me, like "inore the JS in the folders; get new ones @ ...; copy them there (folder) & there (folder); see if header-txt contains this and that otherwise edit to match; activate image effect in your theme there ..."
We would acutally have said ignore the effects in the zp folder and get new ones if that were what we intend. But it is not. There are many possible effects that you can use with that plugin. Some allow us to distribute the js, some do not. FOr the ones that allow us to distribute the js, everything is set and ready to go. (But note that theme CSS can prevent them from working!)
The documentation does cover how to add effects, such as ones we are not allowed to distribute (e.g. effenberger effects.) There are two levels of this. First there are effects that we know of and have provided headers, then there are ones that you have to do all the work. Refers to the first case.
BTW, it is highly unlikely that the error was "not saying what". So what really was the error you got? And I am also confused by "Where to ge with the *.php file?" since this discussion is about js files.
As I said, maybe I'm too dumb for this.
In baby-steps:
I downloaded the EP from:
(it contains a folder with the JS and header-txt. And one file 'effenberger_effects.php' -> so where does this go?)
I put the effenberger_effects folder to the global plugin folder in the root dir. Activating the effect (like i.e. curl) in the zenphoto theme I use, doesn't show me any effect on the pics.
Instead I see the warning: missing effect component curl.js.
If I move the curl.js & header just up one folder, so that they are placed "naked" in the global plugin folder the same error message is displayed.
The same happens, if I use the original downloaded files from http://www.netzgesta.de/curl/
So, as this is not working for me, I tried the same with the image_effects folder unter zp-core/zp-extensions folder. In the effenberger_effects folder and just in the imge_efects folder. This was steted by your help description:
"For instance, to add the Reflex effect, download reflex.zip, unzip it, and place reflex.js in the folder. Check the image_effects foder in the zenphoto extensions to see if there is already header file. If not create one in the plugins/image_effects folder. Use as a model one of the other Effenberger effects header files."
No efect took place on the pics. I just says: 'Error on curl effect.' See: http://www.strickwerk-productions.com/foto/
So I'm quite confused where to put the files and how to make this work.
Generally this is a complete plugin package so both the file and hte folder need to go into the root plugins folder. But as said this is outdated and not supported so it may not work at all.
Ehhh, damn. Well what a pitty, but I can understand that. I didn't care much about the curl or else, but some rounded edges on the images or something like vintage photo edges (like used in a classic photo album) would be fine.
These image effects are some nasty nice eye catchers. Thanks for your help and phantastic zenphoto.
CURL is actually a PHP extension installed on the server itself. I am not familier with this plugin but I don't think it requires that.
Btw, modern browsers can do rounded corners with CSS itself. Google border-radius.
After months now I figuered out how to use these effects:
I created a new folder in the root/plugin Folder & named it image_effects. After that I downloaded i.e. instant.js from http://www.netzgesta.de/instant. I put all the files in the root/plugin/image_effects. No subfolders. Activating the image effects in general and esspecially this one for album thumbnaails, it finally worked.