My first question relates to image inclusion in a page developed under the Zenpage theme. In a page that I just created, I want to include an image from my gallery. When I click onto the "Insert/edit Image" icon, I am sent to a folder defined as
"Current folder path = /Root Folder" and "Folder = uploaded".
How can I link to a photo in /albums/album1/photo1.jpg?
... or, to put it differently, how can I create a page with photos and videos that are in the Gallery?
And the second, minor question is: What's the difference between Pages and News? Both seem to be designed the same way, have an expiry date, etc.
As to the difference between "pages" and "news" think of "news" as your BLOG and "pages" as Static WEB content much like an album or image "page" but for more general use.
And thanks also for "How to insert images". Now that you told me how to do it, it sounds so easy. Alas, I wonder if there is a bug in the system. I'm using version 1.4.1-BETA [7488] and I am trying a bilingual French/English setup.
If I go and try to design a page in Firefox or Chrome, I am able to click on ZP, set all parameters, but the photo doesn't seem to be inserted at all unless I double-click on it... and then, it's inserted twice).
If I do the same in Internet Explorer 8, everything seems to work OK, but I am not able to close the tinyZenpage dialog box!
I doubt there is any difference between [7508] and [7488] with regards to this, but you could try tonight's nightly build.
My portable computer has 1368 x768 pixels, and the problem seems to be that with a small screen, the photo inclusion box stays too close to the top of the Internet Explorer window. Under such conditions, clicking on the tinyZenpage close box moves it 20-30 pixels upwards instead of closing it.
Seems to happen only with Internet Explorer and only if the very top of the tinyZenpage close box touches the top of the IE window frame.I was able to reproduce the problem with 2 computers with IE 8 on Windows 7 (in French, in case that matters) and on a mainframe, changing the screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 solved the problem.
In other words, it seems to be a problem in Internet Explorer itself.
Generally, it might even be a problem of the editor TinyMCE since this is a plugin for it. Are there any JS errors anywhere for yout? If not it will be hard to help (needless to say that I can't test IE at all and I am not able to reproduce it).
We currently don't use the absolute latest (as it is a pain to update every time). You could try to reproduce this with other standard TinyMCE plugins. If you get the same issue, its not us...
As for JE errors, I'm not a regular user of Internet Explorer (I prefer Firefox). I did get the message ("terminé, mais il existe des erreurs sur la page" – litt. "complete, but with errors on the page"), but it's a message I see almost all the time with IE. As I said, not sure if my particular version of IE 8 on System 7 (French) is corrupted or if there are bugs in IE 8 per se.