after having my site running with Piwigo, I would like to give Zenphoto a new try.
There are a few questions:
Here I noticed the following message:
The configured PHP session path could not be used. Zenphoto has set the path to the zp-data folder.
After setup is finished I see the following log in the error log of zenphotos backend:
WARNING: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s)
Any Idea how to get rid of this ?
When using the sendmail plugin, the email (e.g from the contact form) will be send but the body of the mail is empty
When using imagick the zp_captcha will not be displayed
Memory is set do 92MB from my hoster. Will this be enough for jpeg images 1024x768 ?
1. Could also be related to file/folder permissions so best check them, too. Generally openbase_dir is a server configuration and the /tmp folder a server one.
Now we need to know the basics like what theme etc. Please see our helping guidelines for this: http://www.zenphoto.org/news/general-contributor-guidelines#reporting-bugs
2. Error in the error logs? Tried the other mail plugin?
3. Anything in the error log?
4. Should be: http://www.zenphoto.org/news/problems-with-albums-and-images#server-memory-issues
yes i have installed teh release.
the open_basedir warning ist template independant. Seems like it looks for a tmp directory which not exists. I have contacted my hoster for that.
There is no entry in the error log when using the senmail plugin. The other mail plugin (php mailer) works fine when using the smtp function
Also no error log - tried re-captcha which works fine
I had already read this article. I should be fine with my 92 MB for 1MP images.
I think my question was not clear enough:
The article says processing a 1MP image will consume ~4MB memory.
Does this mean:
If 10 visitors look at the same time at 20 images, a memory amount of 80MB Is needed?
I have an answer from my hoster.
the /tmp directory is outside my directory and I am not allowed to access it.
This is why I get the open_basedir warning.
My hoster told me that I can set the path to another directory with the ini_set command.
ini_set ( 'session.save_path', '/var/www/mydirctory/phptmp/' );
The question is now:
Where (in which file) I can add this command?
Adding it to the index.php in zenphotos root directory seems to have no effect.
2. Then I suggest to use the other plugin. It depends on the hoster if the sendmail function is setup correctly. I never encountered any host where it is not though.
3. I am not speaking of the Zenphoto error log but the server error log, just to be sure. ZP does not note everything that one does.
4. Yes and no. Zenphotot caches cropped images (e.g. thumbs) and sizeed images (the big one on the single image page). Zenphoto does this on the fly on request: http://www.zenphoto.org/news/caching
This happens once but of course if several users view several uncached images that could slow down the server. Therefore you can use the http://www.zenphoto.org/news/cacheManager to pre-process the caching on slower servers. But the theme must register its sizes unless it uses the default ones set on the options. Themes can do their own thing independent of those.
I get the open_basedir warning with ervery theme I choose - so I do not think it is a theme issue.
Because Zenphoto does not have access to the tmp folder it creates and uses a PHP_Sessions folder within the zp_data folder.
This is fine, except the warning in the zenphoto log.
Unfortunately I do not have access to the server error log...
Your host really should provide access to an server error log. That is quite important if you self host because certain types of errors Zenphoto cannot log.
I don't know all hosts over here but all I know have it somewhere, some "hidden" on their own admin backend and some as plain files via ftp (like mine).