I have been trying to add a sand background image to the "dark" theme, and it works but for some reason the images themselves get covered by the sand background. example here
http://www.blackwidowtechnology.com/zenany idea of what i can do to have it so they dont get covered by sand???
i changed the first line of code to be this
/* Dark-style css */
http://www.blackwidowtechnology.com/zen/main-bg.gif');color:#ccc;}#minigal .caption {background-color:transparent!important;}
2) In the CSS code above, is there a reason why you are applying the background to the caption class? That class does not exist in the link you provide. There is a caption id, but not a class.
3) Style statements normally go in the head, not in the body, of the HTML document.
`body {background:#444 url(Path-to-your-image/background.jpg) repeat fixed left top;}`